You are the universe expressing itself in human form.

Continue down the path towards a more self actualized and empowered you.

your next journey

My Cycles

This is the journal I wish for every woman to have with them as they walk on the path to self actualization, radical responsibility and true empowerment. I initially created this journal for my own personal printing and use. As I spent more time and put more love into this project I realized what a container for transformation this journal could present. Women need to be informed about their menstrual cycles, it’s phases, influences, and how to live in harmony with their body. As we record and observe our experiences, it is a window into our over all health and how our body is responding to our environments. When we become educated we can take responsibility for ourselves instead of outsourcing our power. We can move through our phases with ease, easily achieve or avoid pregnancy and embody the soft yet powerful, life creating and giving space that is our birth right as women on this earth. 
There is an undeniable connection between getting to know your body’s physical rhythms and noticing patterns in your life emotionally and energetically. The body is speaking to us in every moment, and as women, our menstrual cycles are our vital sign. Tracking our fertility is key to understanding our health and emotional well being. Instead of creating just another sterile book of charts, I wanted to offer something more personal. Something that is beautiful and feminine, and that gives women the space to explore themselves beyond the data that they are collecting. Thats why between each full cycle I offer space to reflect on topics that encourage body autonomy, healthy habits, and living a pleasurable and fulfilled life. To me knowing yourself mentally, physically and spiritually go hand in hand. Every month we can start a new chapter, a new beginning, and a chance to shed old versions of ourselves. This journal that I have created gives women the opportunity to reflect on their life from the mental, physical and spiritual perspectives. We in turn can prioritize self love and care, move through emotions, and live life mindfully.